
One of the most important responsibilities of a leader is to define reality for those they lead.  It is also a significant failure point for leaders.  From a simplistic point of view, there are three realities that we typically deal with.

As we think it is universe: This universe is defined by our opinions and prejudices. It is not basedin reality. An expression of this is when we think for the customer instead of consulting with them. These can be internal or external customers. These leaders will be described as poor listeners or defensive. It takes very little time for leaders using this universe as a model to lose the confidence of their followers and be left with nothing but position power. Self-limiting decisions or failure to achieve the best results are the result.

As we want it to be universe: This is the denial universe.  It, just like the as we think it is universe, is not based in reality. These leaders will be seen as naïve or in denial of the facts and have no credibility with others. They still have their position power, but that will not be enough.  Failure will be the result.

As is universe: This universe finds its basis in the current reality.  It takes discipline to gather the information that defines this reality, but the results are well worth the effort.  These leaders have the confidence of others.  A trait of these leaders is that they listen more than they speak.  Another is that when they do speak, the listeners see alignment in what they say with their own personal experiences. The result is synergy with others and the best chance of success.

Analogy: If you are working in a sewer, and a person in leadership says “It doesn’t smell in here”, the leader has no credibility.  If you are working in a sewer, and a person in leadership says “It smells in here, but we are going to have to deal with it”, that leader has credibility.

Who do want to work for?  Which leader do you want to be?

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