- Know who you are.
- Know where you are going.
- Know why you are going.
- Slow down and think your way through tough situations.
- Balance long and short term thinking.
- Avoid sacrificing long term goals for short term goals.
- Keep the main thing, the main thing.
- Your tactics should support your strategies, and your strategies should support your objectives.
- Feeling good about yourself and your successes is more important than outward celebration.
- Know your next goal or objective before you reach you current goal or objective.
- Be honest with yourself.
- Be honest with others.
- Sleep good at night.
- Eat healthy.
- Give thanks where it is due.
- Give credit where it is due.
- Criticize to improve not to punish.
- Have convictions and stick to them.
- It is always about people. Good idea or bad idea, people buy in and make it happen or they don’t.
Random Success Thoughts